Are you interested in becoming a church rep? 

Church reps attend a few meetings per year, share the RTL happenings with their congregation, and save babies!

Contact Eliisa at for details. 

Church Rep Update

To make abortion unthinkable it is the hearts of people that need to be changed. Educating them with the truth that a baby is the image bearer of God from the moment of conception can make this happen.

Those of us who have been in this fight for many years know this to be true. Our passion needs to be passed on and captured by young people. They are the ones who are the influencers of their peers as to this beautiful truth about life in the womb. The question is, how do we make this happen? It naturally
begins with each of us. To this end our RTL Gatherings have speakers who inform and educate about the truth as well as resources, legislation and more. THIS IS WHERE YOU COME IN! Let your Youth Pastor know. Invite the young people in your church and in your family to attend. The next meeting will
be in May so look for an email from RTLLC for details. WE NEED YOU!!

What would you say to someone experiencing an unplanned pregnancy? The church needs to be THE place that offers compassion, hope, help, and discipleship to women and men facing pregnancy decisions. Livingston County now has 19 churches who offer this type of ministry. We have a goal to have at least one Life Disciple who is available to minister to those in need in EVERY Livingston County church. To this end we continue supporting the Pregnancy Help Clinic’s Making Life Disciples classes. This course is ideal for anyone who wants to gain tools to help their church care for those considering abortion. The 2025 Spring class began March 27 at PHC and runs for 10 weeks. If you missed out then keep your eyes open for information on the Fall class to start in September.

Our Precious Baby Contest Fundraiser will run 6 weeks this year beginning August 17 and ending Sep 21. We are asking every church to have AT LEAST one entry and then to support that entry with votes (donations) collected during that 6 week period. All it takes is for ONE PERSON in every church to step up, take charge and promote this in their church. YOU COULD BE THAT ONE PERSON!
Our next newsletter won’t be out until AFTER we start so the registration form is in THIS newsletter. Also, the kickoff with more details will be given at the May RTL Gathering giving you plenty off time to find “YOUR CHURCH’S BABY”. Be sure to attend. Watch our facebook page and website as the time grows closer so you can share the information and ask all your friends and family to VOTE!. Let’s make this another successful fundraiser in support of LIFE!

Stop by our office and grab some of the many resources we have for you to use. We cannot fight this fight for LIFE alone. WE NEED YOU!

Eliisa Seigle
RTL Church Outreach

Precious Baby Contest

Right to Life Livingston is once again launching their Precious Baby Contest fundraiser but in a different form than in previous years. We are asking every church in Livingston County to enter at least 1 baby. It could be someone, or a relation of someone, in your midst. Please take a moment to look at the attachments with a description of how to join this fun fundraiser and make it one of our best fundraisers to help save babies. If you want to use it, there is a powerpoint presentation all ready to go with pictures and script. If 1 church joined in with only 180 votes (10 per week) for their 1 baby that’s $180! Imagine if we have 15 churches! $2700!!!!

Please prayerfully consider presenting this to your congregation, to your life group or to a single person to head it up and help us make this one of the best fundraisers for life!

For More Information email:

Precious Baby slideshow for church presentations