Right to Life Livingston and St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Howell, have partnered to coordinate the Abortion Awareness Cross displays across our region.
If your church or organization would like to spread awareness and truth, we will provide the crosses, tools to install, and banners. Most people are shocked that abortion kills approximately 2,500 human beings every single day and is not “safe and rare” as the pro-death champions and media echo. Book your week/s today! Email the number of crosses, the dates, and the banner you would like (see below) to: rtllc@sbcglobal.net
Oct 3-10 | RTL Central Wayne County
Oct 4-22 | Old Saint Patrick, Ann Arbor
Oct 12-26 | Our Savior Lutheran Church, Hartland
Oct 27-Nov | 10 St. John the Baptist, Howell/Hartland
May 11 – 25: St. John Neumann, Canton [400]
March 24 – 30 | Lutheran Church
No locations yet.
Possible theme: As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, remember those who were denied the right to life.
A display in the lobby of hte church would be possile with the addition of a wood base with holes drilled
Nov 8 – 20: St. John the Baptist, Howell/Hartland [500]
Banners Available: